
Matushree Dudhiben Dayabhai Bhimani & Kashiben Naranbhai Gevariya Commerce BBA BCA & PGDCA College Amrapur. We welcome you to the Commerce, BBA and BCA college family. We congratulate you for crossing the first milestone of your career. Thank you for choosing our institution to pursue your undergraduate studies. Our institution provides quality education to students by equipping them with skills, confidence and positive attitude leading to their all-round development. The college strives relentlessly to realize and maintain academic excellence, and at the same time students are encouraged to participate in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Besides, the environment of the college is very friendly and conducive to learning and provides ample opportunities for students to grow and excel. Our governing body consists of academicians, industrialists and achievers in their chosen fields. The management is extremely supportive and takes keen interest in the overall development of the students and faculty.

We believe that as a student you are an integral part of our institution. You are our top priority and the focus of all our efforts. We urge you to take advantage of the wide range of resources our campus has to offer during your studies here.

We also believe that you will work with us to realize our collective dreams. It is our effort to provide the best education in the rural areas with the support and cooperation of all the people associated with us.